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Merciless Snott

By Jonathan Sellars                                                                                                


Merciless Snott left Planet Goop

With only one goal in his mind -

To take over Earth, make it his home,

And wipeout the whole of mankind.


With laser beam eyes, slobbering fangs,

On a ship called Terribly Frightening,

He cackled and whooped as he thundered through space

At a speed that was faster than lightning.


But Merciless Snott had a problem,

For Merciless Snott couldn’t stop,

And flying at four thousand light years per hour

He crashed into earth with a…plop.


For he landed inside a volcano

In lava so monstrously hot

That…well…hmm…let’s just say this -

It was the end of Merciless Snott.

Planet Zoo

By Jonathan Sellars


If only it was last year,

Twenty thirty-two,

When humans lived on Planet Earth and not on Planet Zoo.

When people did as people chose,

When people wandered free,

And didn’t live in cages like in twenty thirty-three.  


I wish those evil weevils hadn’t come from outer space

And I wish they hadn’t captured every member of our race.

Now we’re all just ogled at by aliens each day,

Who’ve come from far-off galaxies to see us on display.

I try my best to break out, I plan, I plot, I scheme,

Until I get too tired and have to close my eyes to dream

Of swimming in clear rivers, of scaling mountain peaks,

Of lying in the softest sand with warm sun on my cheeks,

Of crossing endless pastures, of sailing endless seas,

Of strolling through thick forests filled with endless lines of trees.


I will escape this Planet Zoo,

I know I will,

I’m sure.

I’ll make those dreams come true

I must

See Planet Earth once more.

Hart and Sol

By Jonathan Sellars


Hart and Sol are best friends who come from the planet Goop,

They’re driving in their spaceship which is called The Loop The Loop.

They’re going to a party on the comet Coldandfrost.

But they have a big, big problem, they’re very, very lost.


“Oh no,” said Hart. “Oh no,” said Sol. “I think we might be late.”

“I know,” said Sol. “I know,” said Hart. “Let’s just keep going straight.”


They came across a planet so they stopped to ask the way,

The planet was called Earth and said, “I’ve just got this to say,

Water covers most of me which makes me look quite blue,

I’m always spinning round and so I’m always dizzy too.”


“Oh no,” said Hart. “Oh no” said Sol. “That hasn’t helped at all.”

“I know,” said Sol. “I know,” said Hart. “Let’s ask that small white ball.”


The ball sighed, “I’m the Moon. Some people say I moan,

But no one ever visits me, I’m left here on my own.

Even though I’m made of rock I look too much like cheese.

When it’s day I get too hot and when it’s night I freeze.” 


“Oh no,” said Hart. “Oh no” said Sol. “The Moon might moan all day.”

“I know,” said Sol. “I know,” said Hart. “Let’s quickly sneak away.”


They bumped into a rocket with an astronaut inside.

They knocked upon the window but she ran away to hide.

Hart waved his seven tentacles, “We come in peace, not harm.”

But she didn’t understand him so she sounded the alarm.


“Oh no,” said Hart. “Oh no” said Sol. “I think it’s time to go.”

“I know,” said Sol. “I know,” said Hart. “Let’s head towards that glow.”


The glow came from a burning ball who beamed, “My name’s the Sun.

Things gravitate towards me as they know I’m such great fun.

Forget about that party, just orbit me instead.

Although I’m super burning hot and might make you turn red.” 


“Oh no,” said Hart. “Oh no,” said Sol. “Your heat’s melting our hair.”

“I know,” said Sol. “I know,” said Hart. “Let’s ask that shining bear.”


The bear roared, “I’m the Great Bear, I’m playing hide and seek,

I’m looking for my son, he’s been hiding for a week.

His name is Ursa Minor and like me he’s made of stars.”

And then she shot off shouting, “I can see him, he’s by Mars!”


“Oh no,” said Hart. “Oh no” said Sol. “We might be lost forever.”

“I know,” said Sol. “I know,” said Hart. “Let’s ask someone who’s clever.”


“Hello there,” said the Dog Star, who’d come out for the night,

“I’m the very brightest star, I get all questions right.”

Sol asked it, “where is Coldandfrost?” It barked, “I know for sure.

From here turn right,

then right again,

then right,

then right once more.”


“Oh yes,” said Hart. “Oh yes,” said Sol. “At last! Someone who knows.”

“I know,” said Sol. “I know,” said Hart. Let’s try that route, here goes.”


They first turned right at Jupiter who boomed, “I’m big and old.”

Then turned again at Neptune who just shivered, “I’m so cold.”


They flew past Saturn’s rings,

Past asteroids,

Past Pluto’s snow,

And after they’d turned right four times they stopped and said….


“Oh no,” said Hart. “Oh no,” said Sol. “This isn’t Coldandfrost!

We’ve just gone round a square. We’re still completely lost.”


Just then a wormhole formed and said, “PLEASE ENTER IF YOU DARE!

I’ll take you on a journey, but I really don’t know where.”

“That’s fine,” said Hart. “That’s fine,” said Sol. “Anywhere but here.

We need to get to Coldandfrost, please try and take us near.”


“I’ll do my best,” the wormhole said, its mouth then opened wide,

And Hart and Sol both held on tight and flew their ship inside. 


The Loop The Loop span round and round then disappeared from sight

And sailed across the Universe beyond the speed of light.

It raced through outer space, it twisted and it twirled,

From galaxy to galaxy it whizzed and whooshed and whirled.


At last the wormhole ended,

Out popped The Loop The Loop,


“Oh no,” said Sol. “Oh no,” said Hart….



“We’re back at planet Goop.”

Hart sighed, “we’ve missed the party.”

Sol sadly shook his head.


But then,

“I know,” said Hart, “I know,” said Sol….


“Let’s have a party here instead!”